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  • 7" Record Mailer Cradle. Guarantees crush-free delivery when used with record mailer M4520.

7" Record Mailer Cradle. Guarantees crush-free delivery when used with record mailer M4520.

SKU: M4520C
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7" Record MailerCRADLE
7-1/2 x 7-1/2"
inside square
10-1/4 x  7-1/2"  cradle outside dimension
1-5/16" flap height

1/8" thick B-flute. 200-lb-test kraft corrugated cardboard.
Use with our 7" record mailer M4520.

Provides an air zone in each corner of M4520 that guarantees crush-free corner delivery of your more valuable 7" records. Recommend use: 1 per mailer with 45 filler F45. 

Shown with 7" Record Mailer M4520 and 45 Mailer Filler Pad F45

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