Ratings & Reviews
19 Reviews
The Only problem was I didn't buy enough!
09/15/2024 1:39 am
Have over 4000 in use. Just like old time radio.
09/15/2024 1:39 am
Sleeves are excellent in weight and color. The only problem is the sleeves really need to be a little wider. If you take a close look at 45's; they are not all the same width. Some (usually from the 50's and 60's) are of thicker wax and are wider and either fit too tightly or not at all. Having a collection of 10,000 45's I can find enough records that these will fit and use my older green sleeves for the thickest records. All in all, just make them wider.
09/15/2024 1:39 am
Great sleeves - seams well glued so they don't "catch" on the adjacent sleeve when pulling a record. I have over 25,000 in use - need more. BUT...these sleeves need to be about 1/8th inch WIDER. They don't match much older sleeves (disappear when located between two older sleeves) and a few older 45's are just a little too tight. Also, these (grn) are listed as "medium" weight - the gold sleeves are listed as "heavy" weight - I have both and they appear nearly the same - so WHY do the green ones cost TWICE as much?
09/15/2024 1:39 am
I've always liked the look of green sleeves from my early days of collecting. These sleeves are great quality. I must, however, agree with the other customers who stated that these sleeves are too tight for some of the older 45s. This has not always been the case with BU greensleeves, but they gradually became narrower. Please make them a little wider once again.
09/15/2024 1:39 am
09/15/2024 1:39 am