Ratings & Reviews
3 Reviews
These are perfect for CDs you may have without a booket like I had. You can clearly see the CD thru the case.
09/15/2024 1:40 am
Some CD's come in very flimsy cardboard cases. In some cases, the case doesn't have any kind of plastic tray. These thin CD cases are great for those CD's. I take the CD out of the cardboard case, put it into one of these trays, and then put *both* the cardboard and this thin case inside a CD JEWEL case sleeve (SKU: scd625r), to keep them together and in mint condition. That tactic works only because these cases are so nice and thin. And yet the result is *much* sturdier than the original flimsy cardboard case by itself! (yes, I am very annoyed with record companies which use flimsy cardboard cases).
09/15/2024 1:40 am
Exactly what I was looking for. Bags Unlimited never fails!
09/15/2024 1:40 am