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These 100% ARCHIVAL Comic Art Frame Kits are guaranteed safe for indefinite-term storage of your most valuable comic art. All frames come with a clear .040" thick, 80-85% UV blocking acrylic frame front.
Three frame sizes available:
• 11 x 17" holds sizes 11-1/16 x 17-1/16" and below (no mat).
• 13 x 19" holds sizes 13-1/16 x 19-1/16" and below (no mat).
• 18 x 24" with an 11 x 17" or 13 x 19" Conservation-Grade window mat (choose from 7 matbboard colors).
Our no-mat Comic Art Frames come in 3 frame options:
• Black Aluminum
• 3/4" Black Wood or
• 1-1/4" Black Wood