Trading Card Portfolios & Binders

Keep your trading cards protected and in accessible view by using Ultra-PRO Portfolios and Ultra-PRO Binders. The Portfolios come with 10 bound ultra-clear pages that have either 4-pocket or 9-pocket pages. The Ultra-PRO Binders  are "Collectors Albums" that take standard binder pages (sold separately).  
Trading Card Portfolio - Holds 90 Cards
Ultra-Pro Collectors Portfolio. BLACK vinyl cover.
Comes with 10 high-clarity
4-POCKET pages.Holds 40 cards loaded one-side.

Base SKU:aport4p81374

Trading Card Portfolio - Holds 90 Cards
Ultra-Pro Collectors Portfolio. BLACK vinyl cover. Comes with 10 high-clarity
9-POCKET pages. Holds 90 cards loaded one-side.

Base SKU:aport9p81366

"COLLECTORS ALBUM" for Trading Cards
Ultra-Pro 3-Ring Binder.
BLACK cover. Holds standard pages.
Reinforced D-ring. 3" spine with index pocket.

Base SKU:ab3r81406

Ultra-Pro Blue "COLLECTORS ALBUM" for Trading Cards. Holds standard pages.
Ultra-Pro 3-Ring Binder.
BLUE cover. Holds standard pages.
Reinforced D-ring. 3" spine with index pocket.

Base SKU:ab3r81398
